9 Morning Prayers To Start Your Day With God

There is no better way to start each day than a special intercession with God. Although each of our lives and circumstances is different, we can all find a reason to offer God genuine thanks in the form of common prayer every morning. We do this through sincere morning prayer.
Essential Prayers
- Prayers for Strength
- A Powerful Healing Prayer for the Sick
- Applying the Serenity Prayer to Your Everyday Life
What is Morning Prayer?
Morning Prayer refers to a short prayer in various traditions said during the morning hours. Often recited immediately upon awakening, morning prayer offers thanks to God for the gift of a new day.
Why is morning prayer important?
Morning prayer is important because it starts your day in intercession with God. When done correctly, morning prayer offers thanks to God for a new day of life. Then morning prayer requests that God give guidance and grace for whatever challenges the day might present.
What is the best time to pray?
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NIV commands us to pray without ceasing. Therefore, every moment is the best time to pray.
Morning Prayers
1. Good Morning, God!
Good morning, heavenly father! Thank you for another day and another opportunity to fulfill your will for my life. From the rising of the sun until the going down of the same, your name is worthy to be praised. Thank you for my rest and my peace that has given me the strength to face a new day. Watch over me Holy God as I face the world today. Keep my mind focused on you throughout life’s many distractions and guide me every second of every minute of every hour. I love you, dear Lord, and with the opening of my eyes, I realize that you love me too. Throughout this new day that you have given me, I will exalt your name! Amen.
2. It Is The Lord’s Day
O Lord, I praise your name! This is a new day that you have created and I will rejoice because of your great works and righteousness. Today is the Lord’s day! I will rise triumphant on this day. I will be successful on this day. I will give love to others on this day. Why? Because today is the Lord’s day and by your grace, you have given me another opportunity to experience the joy of the Lord! Amen.
3. Walk With Me, O Lord
Dear eternal Father in Heaven, today is the day. Although I dreaded that this day would come, I am yet grateful that you allowed me to see it. The fact that you opened my eyes and allowed me to breathe proves that I am here because it is your desire. I thank you Lord in this moment for your grace and mercy and I ask that you walk with me every step of the day. You know my heart’s desire because I have prayed in your name. Be with me, Lord Jesus! Guide my footsteps and lead me where you want me to go. My faith is in you and I trust in you with all my heart. I surrender to your will and I thank you for your gift of the Holy Ghost. In my weakness, I know that you are strong and because of your strength, I will make it through this day. Amen.
4. Rejoice In The Morning
As I lay in bed, thankful that you, oh God, has opened my eyes, I close them once again in reverence to your Holy name. I worship and praise you at this moment, oh God. You are gracious and your mercies are new every morning. I am excited about your will being fulfilled in my life on this new day. Show me your great works, oh God. Fill me with your presence all day long. Increase my faith and overwhelm me with your spirit. Hallelujah to your Holy name! I rejoice in your greatness and praise you, o Lord, for you are the source of all good things in my life. Fill my mouth with words of worship and let others see your mighty works in my life on this day. Glory be to God almighty! Hallelujah to your Holy name! Amen.
5. A Morning Prayer For Forgiveness
Heavenly Father, thank you for waking me up this morning. I realize that I am not worthy of your mercy and grace, but you continue to bless me despite my flaws and shortcomings. Thank you, almighty God, for loving me even when I don’t love myself. Forgive me when my faith falls short. Forgive me when my actions don’t reflect holiness. Forgive me when I sin. I am imperfect, but You love me perfectly, oh God. Guide me through this day and grant me grace if I fail. Amen.
6. A Morning Prayer For The Work Day Ahead
Dear God in Heaven, thank you for your many blessings in my life. I realize that I am blessed to have a job and I am grateful. You know my challenges and my struggles, dear Lord Jesus Christ. Be with me today as I go to work. Take control of my mind and guide my tongue. Let me be a reflection of you, oh God. Let Your light shine through me. Bless my co-workers and bring peace to the office, o Lord. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.
7. An Early Morning Prayer For Wisdom
All-powerful and all-knowing God! I come to You this morning giving thanks for another day. I have life! I have breath! Best of all, I have another opportunity to praise your name. Grant me wisdom as I traverse through this day. Anoint my mind with the strength that only You can give. Guide my thoughts and fill me will Godly discernment. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.
8. Hope for Today
Dear God in Heaven, you are my hope and you are my strength. Every morning that I awake, my hope in you is renewed. Today is no different, oh God. Lord, your word says, you are the hope for the hopeless and a friend to the friendless. This morning I put my faith, my trust, and my hope in you, oh God. You know my hopes and you know my dream, Lord. Fill my heart with the hope that only Your holy spirit can give. My faith and my hope lie in you, oh God. You are my hope and my redeemer. Amen.
9. The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.