A Tempo
Pronunciation: ah-TEM-poe
What is “A Tempo?”
A Tempo is an indicator on a musical composition indicating to return to the original tempo or the song. The indicator “a tempo,” simply means to return to the normal speed after a deliberate deviation, such as a speedup of a part of the song, or a slow down tempo.
Key Takeaways
- A tempo is an indicator to resume to normal tempo or speed of a musical composition.
- It is typically found right after an accelerando or ritardando.
- A tempo simply means you resume the speed you were at before you changed the tempo of the song.
Understanding “A Tempo”
“A tempo,” is Italian for “in time,” and it was first used during the Baroque period. The indicator helps you to know when to resume normal speed again. It is also typically seen right after an accelerando or ritardando.
Some of the most popular compositions that use “a tempo” include Beethoven’s Fur Elise and Mozart’s Minuet.
Related Terms
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