The Higher the Heel, the Closer to God

“The higher the heel, the closer to God” is an iconic phrase meant to empower women in their femininity. It is unknown who originally coined the phrase, but modern interpretations lean toward women owning their power and expressing it through their choice of foot fashion.
Since its invention, the high heel shoe has developed into a symbol of style, womanhood, and grace. As a Christian Proverbs 31 woman, high heel shoes can be a symbol of embracing your rightful place in God’s plan, acknowledging that certain traits and characteristics were specifically granted to women, especially Godly women.
What Are High Heel Shoes?
According to Wikipedia, High heels are a type of shoe in which the heel, compared with the toe, is significantly higher off the ground. These shoes go beyond simply protecting the foot from the ground or improving the efficiency of walking. High heels make the wearer appear taller, accentuating the calf muscle and the length of the leg overall.
The first recorded instance of a high-heeled shoe being worn by a woman was by Catherine de Medici in the 16th century.
Modern Attitudes Toward High Heels
In “High Heels.” The Berg Companion to Fashion, research shows that heels draw attention to long legs and small feet. Some argue that “high-heeled shoes, perhaps more than any other item of clothing, are seen as the ultimate symbol of being a woman.”
Proverbs 31 speaks in detail about womanhood and what a Godly woman should be. However, contrary to certain beliefs, a Christian woman is not commanded to deny her natural beauty. In fact, the beauty of a woman is a natural example of the power of God and his creation. High heel shoes often accentuate this beauty and subconsciously strengthen women to walk confidently in their God-given gifts.
She is clothed with strength and dignity;
Proverbs 31:25 New International Version (NIV)
she can laugh at the days to come.
Arguments Against Christian Women Wearing High Heels
The modern church is filled with women wearing high heels because most women view them as a form of dressing for a special occasion or wearing their “Sunday’s Best.”
However, there is a certain segment of Christians who believe that high heel shoes represent a carnal nature. Specifically, some groups identify high heels as a symbol of a woman’s seductiveness. They identify these shoes as immoral with a woman advertising herself to men, such as a prostitute or harlot.
Shoe designers have long acknowledged that high heels accentuate the natural gait of a woman as she takes steps. It is widely believed – and studies have shown – that this effect makes women more attractive, and thus, more self-confident.
Some have cited the change in a woman’s posture when wearing high heels as a primary reason for discouraging them. They say that a woman’s stance is transformed into a “sensual posture by the wearing of high heels. Moreover, her walk becomes a “prance,” making her more attractive to men.
But is it fair to blame a shoe for the natural desires of men? I think not.
The phrase “The higher the heel, the closer to God” should be interpreted as the modern Christian woman’s right and ability to walk in her power as a chosen vessel of Christ. The shoes themselves are not empowering. It is the mentality that they inspire that encourages and motivates women to action.
High Heels Are Attractive
Psychologists at the University of Portsmouth, in the UK, proposed a novel evolutionary theory about why women favor high heels: Attractiveness.
The authors of the study concluded that high heels are an important part of the contemporary female wardrobe — the minimum number of high heeled shoes owned by those taking part in the experiment was four, and the maximum 25.
The results indicated that the female walk is perceived as much more attractive when wearing high heels than not. One, conscious or unconscious, motivation for women to wear high heels might, therefore, be to increase their attractiveness.
But for the Christian woman, that attractiveness can be synonymous with confidence or self-empowerment. To assume that it automatically displays sexual connotations is both judgmental and foolish.
High heel shoes do not have superpowers or heavenly powers, but they do have the power to increase the self-esteem of women. If we are obliged to “walk in our season,” there is no better way to do it than in a pair of 4-inch stilettos.
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