The Power of Being Thankful: Prayers to Thank God
When we are thankful, it is easy to feel the power of prayer. It’s a prayer that moves us from feeling empty and disconnected to feeling fulfilled.
A prayer that reminds us of our source of all blessings. For some people, being truly thankful can be difficult – especially when life has thrown them struggles or hardships.
But there are ways for everyone who wants to live a thankful life to find their way back to thankfulness in prayer.
One way to do this is by thinking of love. When we think of the love that God has for us, it’s easier to open our hearts and let go of any negative feelings or thoughts we may be experiencing.
It’s also easier to see the blessings that are all around us – even when they’re hidden from sight. By opening our hearts and minds to prayer, we can experience true thankfulness in our lives and feel the power of being connected to a loving God.
A Prayer of Thanksgiving to God
Heavenly Father, thank you for everything in my life. Thank you for all of the people and things that I have been blessed with so far. Please be with me today as I go through each moment – reminding myself to see your hand at work in my life. Help me look past any obstacles or struggles that may be present right now and find peace within prayer. Fill my heart with love so that it can overflow onto others around me, no matter what they are going through. And help me remember to pray every day because prayer is how we give thanks to God who has given us this incredible gift of true happiness!
Lord, I Thank You
Dear Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for always being by our side during hard times and good times. Thank you for always listening to our prayers and answering them in the way that is best for us. We know that sometimes we are not as thankful as we should be, but please help us to remember how blessed we are – even when life seems difficult. Help us to open our hearts and minds to prayer every day, so that we can experience your love and guidance in our lives. Amen!
A Thankful Prayer for Blessings
Dear Lord,
Thank you for all of the blessings in my life. Thank you for the good health that I have, the food that I eat, and the love that surrounds me. Please help me to remember to be grateful for these things every day, no matter what may be happening in my life. Help me to see your hand at work in everything – even when things are tough. And please continue to bless me with all that I need – both big and small. Amen!
A Prayer of Thanks for Answered Prayers
Father God,
You who answer prayer, we give thanks to You from the depths of our hearts for Your care and protection over us. Thank You for hearing each one of our prayer requests, no matter how big or small they may be. We know that You answer them in Your time and in the best way possible to bring about good things in our lives. Thank You for answering our prayer with love – even when we don’t always understand why a prayer isn’t answered immediately the way we had hoped.
We thank you from all of our hearts for being there during every moment, listening to each one of our prayers, and loving us more than words can say! Amen!
Thank You for Your Son, Christ Jesus
Dear Lord God, thank you so much for sending us Your Son Jesus. Without Him, we would not have a way to You or be able to receive the blessings that come from prayer and love in our lives. We know that without Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, no one could experience true forgiveness of sin and eternal life with God through prayer. Thank You for giving us this incredible gift!
We pray this prayer of thanksgiving today because we are grateful beyond words for everything that is good in our lives. Please continue to bless each person reading this post – whether they believe in prayer or not – by working your miracles in their own ways every day. Amen!
A Prayer to Thank God for His Sovereign Control
Dear Heavenly Father,
We come before You today to give thanks for all that You have done in our lives. Thank you for always being there with us no matter what we are going through and for never abandoning us. We know that Your ways are perfect and that everything happens for a reason – even when we don’t understand it at the time.
Thank you for your sovereignty over all things and for always working out the best possible outcome in our lives. Please help us to remember this during times of struggle so that we can trust in You even when everything is falling apart around us. And please continue to guide us every day as we go forward into the future. Amen!
Thank You, Jesus! Prayer for Strength
Dear Lord Jesus, thank you so much for always being there in our lives no matter what. Thank you for never giving up on us and continuing to love us even when we have turned away from You in the past. We know that prayer is how we change things here on earth – both big or small – and so please help each person reading this prayer today feel Your presence near them through prayer. Please lead their hearts towards understanding your plan for their future and give them the strength they need to carry out these plans with confidence! Amen!
A Prayer of Thanksgiving about God’s Promises
Almighty God,
Thank you again for all that You are doing in our lives right now. Knowing that You will guide each one of us in the best way possible, we feel more confident about our prayer requests today. We trust that You know what is good for each person reading this prayer and how to work out their own plans in a way that will bring them closer to Your love.
We pray this prayer of thanksgiving because we are grateful for so many blessings – both big and small – in our lives. Please continue filling us with joy every single day as we celebrate all the ways You have blessed us! Amen!
A Prayer of Thanksgiving Before Bedtime
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you so much for blessing me with another wonderful day! Thank you again for being there through it all – from its highs to its lows – and continuing to give me strength when I need it most.
I pray this prayer of thanksgiving before bedtime today as a way to reflect on all the good that has happened in my day and to thank You for each one of them. Please help me remember these blessings tomorrow when things get tough so that I can stay positive during trying times. And please give me peaceful sleep tonight so that I can be refreshed and ready to take on another wonderful day! Amen!
A Prayer for Thanks for Life
Dear God,
Thank you for the gift of life. Thank you for giving us each day to be alive and to experience all You have in store for us. We know that there are many people who do not have this chance and so we pray today for them. Please give them Your love, peace, and hope during this difficult time.
We also pray for those who are struggling with health issues right now. We ask that you would ease their pain and comfort them through this time. Above all, we thank You for the gift of life and we pray that we may use it to honor You every day. Amen!
A Prayer of Thanksgiving at Christmas Time
Dear Heavenly Father,
As we gather together with family and friends to celebrate Christmas, we give thanks for all the blessings You have bestowed on us. We are grateful for our health, our loved ones, and all the good that has come into our lives this year.
We thank you for sending Your Son Jesus Christ as a way of showing us Your love in an even more tangible way. Please help us to remember always that Christmas is not about gifts or decorations or parties – it is about celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, who came to bring peace and salvation to the world.
Please bless each person reading this prayer at Christmas time with Your love and presence. May they feel joyful during this season and may their hearts be open to receive Your gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.
A Morning Prayer of Thanks
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for this new day. Thank you for giving me another chance to live and love and serve You.
I pray today that I may be open to Your will for me. Help me to remember the blessings of yesterday so that I can carry them with me into today. And please give me the strength to face whatever challenges come my way in this new day.
Above all, help me to always be grateful for the gift of life You have given me and to use it in ways that honor You. Amen!
Thank You for Miracles
Dear God,
Thank you for the miracles in our lives. Thank you for guiding us and protecting us every day. We know that there are many things we do not understand and so we thank You for all the miracles that happen in our lives – big and small – that remind us of Your love and care for us.
Please help us to always be grateful for the miracles we experience and to share them with others as a way of spreading Your love. Amen!
A Prayer of Thanks During Hardship
Dear God,
Thank you for giving me the strength to get through this tough time. Thank you for helping me to see the blessings in my life even when things are tough.
Please help me to stay positive and hopeful during this difficult time, and please give me the strength to overcome all obstacles in my way.
Most of all, thank you for never leaving me alone during times of hardship. You are always with me, providing support and love when I need it most. Amen!
A Prayer of Thanksgiving After Receiving a Gift
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the gift that has been given to me. We know that there are many people who are in need right now and so we pray today for them. Please help them to find the blessings in their lives, even during this difficult time.
We thank you for the gift of this particular person or thing that has been given to us and we pray that we may use it in ways that honor You. Help us to be grateful for all the gifts we receive, both big and small, and help us to use them in ways that bring Your love into the world. Amen!
A Prayer of Thanks for God’s Love
Dear God,
Thank you for your love. Thank you for showing us how to reach out and help people in need around the world who are suffering from terrible circumstances. We pray that we may always be open to Your love and guidance because we know it is only through You that we can find true happiness and peace of mind.
Please guide each person reading this prayer today towards a life filled with thankfulness and gratefulness every day. Help them to see all the blessings they have been given by spending time with loved ones, enjoying good health, having shelter over their heads…and even more besides! Amen!
A Prayer of Thanksgiving After Receiving Good News
Dear God, We thank you so much for giving us such wonderful news!
We know that there are many people who don’t have the same opportunities we do and so we want to use this opportunity in your honor. We pray today for all of those out there who may not be as blessed as us right now – please give them hope and guidance during their time of need and help them to find a way through whatever difficulties they face.
Thank you again, God, for giving us such wonderful news. Please bless our family with love and health throughout the upcoming year. Amen!
A Prayer of Thanks for the Holy Spirit
Gracious God,
We give you thanks today for the gift of the Holy Spirit. We know that it is through Him that we are able to understand Your love and guidance in our lives. Please help us to always be open to His presence in our lives and help us to learn from Him every day.
Thank you for giving us this amazing gift and please continue to bless us with its power and guidance throughout our lives. Amen!
A Thankful Prayer for God’s Goodness and Mercy
Dear God,
Thank you for your goodness and mercy. We realize that if it were not for your grace, we would perish at the hands of the enemy. Thank you for always being there for us, even when we don’t deserve it. Most of all, thank you for never leaving us alone. You are always with us, providing support and love when we need it most.
Please continue to bless us with your love and guidance throughout our lives. Amen!