Best Jesus Songs for Christians
The top Christian artists understand that when it comes to praise and worship songs, there is nothing more powerful than the name of Jesus Christ. Throughout history, some of the most memorable worship songs simply call the name “Jesus.” We’ve gathered a few masterpieces by Christian songwriters for your listening and viewing pleasure. These worship songs remind us of all of the great sacrifices that our Lord and Savior made for us on Calvary. Enjoy this collection of the top “Jesus Songs.”
What are Jesus Songs?
Jesus Songs are Christian worship songs that are written to exalt the name of Jesus Christ. These songs typically acknowledge the power of Jesus’ name or the strngth of Jesus’ love.
Who is Jesus?
Jesus ( c. 4 BC – c. AD 30 / 33), also referred to as Jesus of Nazareth or Jesus Christ, was a first-century Jewish preacher and religious leader. He is the central figure of Christianity. Most Christians believe he is the incarnation of God the Son and the awaited Messiah (the Christ) prophesied in the Old Testament.
Jesus Songs on YouTube
Chris Tomlin “Jesus”
Hillsong Worship “What a Beautiful Name”
Ada “Jesus”
Casting Crowns “Only Jesus”
Israel & New Breed “Jesus at the Center”
Todd Dulaney “Victory Belongs to Jesus”
Kirk Franklin “Something About the Name Jesus”
Pastor David Wright “Jesus Jesus Jesus”
Kurt Carr “Jesus Can Work It Out”
William McDowell “There is Something About That Name”
Jesus Songs mp3 Download
“Forever” by Kari Jobe
Lyrics: “His body on the cross/His blood poured out for us/The weight of every curse upon him” and “The ground began to shake/The stone was rolled away/His perfect love could not be overcome/Now death where is your sting/Our resurrected King has rendered you defeated.”
“Hosanna” by Brooke Fraser
Lyrics: “Heal my heart and make it clean/Open up my eyes to the things unseen/Show me how to love/Like You have loved me/Break my heart for what breaks Yours/Everything I am/For Your kingdom’s cause/As I walk from earth into eternity.”
“Revelation Song” by Kari Jobe
Lyrics: “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain/Holy, holy is He/We sing a new song to Him who sits on/Heaven’s mercy seat” and “Clothed in rainbows of living color/Flashes of lightning, rolls of thunder/Blessing and honor, strength and glory, and power be/To You, the only wise King” and “Filled with wonder, awestruck wonder/At the mention of Your name/Jesus, Your name is power, breath and living water/Such a marvelous mystery.”
“All Hail King Jesus” by Jeremy Riddle
Lyrics: “There was a moment when the lights went out/When death had claimed its victory/The King of Love had given up His life/The darkest day in history/There on a cross they made for sinners/For every curse His blood atoned/One final breath and it was finished/But not the end we could have known” and “All hail King Jesus/All hail the Lord of Heaven and earth/All hail King Jesus/All hail the Savior of the world” and “For in a dark, cold tomb/Where our Lord was laid/One miraculous breath/And we’re forever changed.”
“What a Beautiful Name” by Hillsong Worship
Lyrics: “Death could not hold You/The veil tore before You/You silence the boast of sin and grave/The heavens are roaring/The praise of Your glory/For You are raised to life again” and “You have no rival/You have no equal/Now and forever God You reign/Yours is the kingdom/Yours is the glory/Yours is the Name above all names.”
“Jesus Paid it All” by Elvina Hall
Lyrics: “Lord, now indeed I find/Thy power, and Thine alone/Can change the/leper’s spots/And melt the heart of stone” and “And when before the throne/I stand in Him complete/I’ll lay my trophies down/All down at Jesus’ feet.”
“Jesus at the Center” by Israel Houghton & New Breed
Lyrics: “Nothing else matters/Nothing in this world will do/Jesus, You’re the center/Everything revolves around You/Jesus, You” and “From my heart to the Heavens/Jesus be the center/It’s all about You, yes, it’s all about You/From my heart to the Heavens, Jesus be the center/It’s all about You, yes, it’s all about You.”
“My Victory” by Crowder
Lyrics: “Behold the Lamb of God/ Who takes away our sin/ Who takes away our sin/ The holy Lamb of God /Makes us alive again/ Makes us alive again” and “Oh Your love bled for me/ Oh Your blood in crimson streams/ Oh Your death is hell’s defeat/ A cross meant to kill is my victory.”
“Resurrection Power” by Chris Tomlin
Lyrics: “Now I have resurrection power/Living on the inside /Jesus, You have given us freedom/No longer bound by sin and darkness/Living in the light of Your goodness/You have given us freedom” and “I’m dressed in Your royalty/Your holy spirit lives in me/I see my past has been redeemed/The new has come.”
“Break Every Chain” by Tasha Cobbs Leonard
Lyrics: “All sufficient sacrifice/So freely given, such a price/For our redemption/Heaven’s gates swing wide.”
“Let it Be Jesus” by Christy Nockels
Lyrics: “For me to live is Christ/For me to live is Christ/God I breathe Your name/Above everything/Let it be, let it be/Jesus” and “Let it be Jesus/From the rising of the sun/Let it be Jesus/When all is said and done/I’ll never need another/Jesus there’s no other” and “Should I ever be abandoned/Should I ever be acclaimed/Should I ever be surrounded/By the fire and the flame/There’s a name I will remember/There’s a name I will proclaim/Let it be, let it be/Jesus.”
“This Blood” by Rita Springer
Lyrics: “Oh, there is a Blood/Oh, and it sights the blind/It heals the sick/The lonely, finds/Oh, it has the Power/To free the bound/As chains they fall/Upon the ground//So pour it out /To cleanse my soul/And let its liquid Glory flow/Because it lives/To make me whole/I owe my life/I owe my all//So I come to tell you He’s alive/To tell you that He dries every tear that falls/So I come to tell you that He saves/To shout and to proclaim that he is coming back for you.”
“The Old Rugged Cross Made the Difference” by Gaither Vocal Band
Lyrics: “’Twas a life filled with aimless desperation/Without hope walked the shell of a man/Then a hand with a nail print stretched downward/Just one touch then a new life began//And the old rugged cross made the difference/In a life bound for heartache and defeat/I will praise Him forever and ever/For the cross made the difference for me” and “There’s a room filled with sad, ashen faces/Without hope death has wrapped them in gloom/But at the side of a saint there’s rejoicing/For life can’t be sealed in a tomb.”